Personakt Antavla

Abraham Forsgren

Far:Erik Leonard Forsgren (1845 - 1910)
Mor:Johanna Geschwind (1845 - 1934)

Född:1877-11-29 US Minnesota. [1]
Bosatt:1880 US Belle River, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]
Bosatt:1895 US Belle River, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]
Bosatt:1900 US Belle River, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]
Bosatt:1910 US Belle River, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]
Bosatt:1930 US Alexandria, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]
Död:1937-03-05 US Alexandria, Douglas, Minnesota. [1]

Äktenskap med Hanna Matilda Allen (1880 - 1957)

Vigsel:1899-05-21. [1]Mr. Abraham Forsgren was married last Sunday to a young lady in Kensington. A reception was given at the bride’s home where about two hundred guests were entertained.

Äktenskap med Clara Ehlenfeld (1900 - )

Vigsel:1920-01-23. [1]


[1]S. Tongring